• Dating

    Dating in Zimbabwe – The Truth about it –

    Dating in Zimbabwe is a lot like dating in any other country. You meet someone, you get to know them, you like them, and then you decide if they’re worth the time and effort it takes to pursue a relationship. The only difference is that here in Zimbabwe, there are a few more challenges—like unemployment, poverty and political turmoil. “How’s this relevant Q?”, you may ask. It’s hard to focus on your love life if the ship is sinking. Dating as an unemployed person whose heart has been broken before is hard work (Adding that heartbreak part for ambiance) . It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack…

  • bored people on a birthday party

    Why they don’t want a relationship with you

    I have heard quite a few people complaining about being friend-zoned, not being “wanted” or, put in a situationship when they want something more, a proper shot to being actually dated. Listen, I hear you, I won’t say it’s not your fault, let’s say it is and figure it out from there. What if you’re the reason they don’t want to date you? Are you doing these things ?: You talk about your exes a lot Positive or negative, talking about your past partners is a red flag, a well-marinated self-sabotage recipe. Doing this comes off as being stuck in the past, a reflection of unfinished business and unpreparedness for…

  • Dating

    Deal breakers in a relationship

    I want to start by saying this, we have this topic every time and yet humans don’t learn. Deal breakers are those things that turn you off or potentially destroy the relationship if unchecked. The focus here will be on some subtle ones and the obvious ones. This is coming from a place of frustration and observations on how people genuinely lack EQ. These are my thoughts : Being their parent Feeling like you have this parent/caretaker role. Giving support, counsel, and all that is great and commendable but when it gets to levels where you have to do everything, things get toxic. Always having to explain things to them,…

  • Dating

    How To Make Long Distance Relationships Work

    Long distance relationships are the stuff of legends. They are fascinating . They don’t have the long awkwardly electric stares, the sweet nothings we whisper and the shy smiles. The cuddles. All these little elements that foster a profound connection which are very physical. So how can we make long distance relationships work past a few months? Long distance relationship are a different ball game. The closest link between our beating hearts is technology and trust. Long distance relationships leverage more on tech and creativity. These still work regardless of all the forces against long distance couples. The downside is, people are different, so that means it all depends on their…

  • Dating

    Stop forcing things

    Stop forcing things. Happiness is not tied to a person so why force things that could potentially ruin your peace. Relationships shouldn’t feel like a war zone every time. They shouldn’t make you blind to reality either. There’s no point in watering a dead plant. ( Well unless if you believe you’d fall in love with a zombie , if that’s the case ,Do you ). For your peace of mind and sanity, learn to put yourself first. Take your eyes and mind when you sink in love, you’ll have clear sight of what’s happening and logic to navigate. That is a long introduction ! We’ve been talking about this…

  • Dating,  Mind of a boyfriend

    Umjolo Interview : Questions to ask

    This is a follow up to “We need a dating resume“. Umjolo is serious business! Yeah, if it’s meant to be it will happen but who will teach the kids Maths Susan? Can your back handle things? Are you in debt? Does your father have medical aid? See, it all matters. These are questions you should ask yourself when thinking long term. ( Not a small dating tender). These are not to make you bail from your relationship, they’re just a guide to see where you could improve. Compromise. ( or worst case re evaluate the whole relationship) The Questions to Ask Do you and your partner accept each other for…

  • Dating,  Mind of a boyfriend

    Why they don’t want a relationship with you?

    You click with them but they don’t pop the question. And this happens with a couple of guys and you think maybe you’re the problem. ( which is quite possible so let’s go with that angle.) They treat you just right and you at times feel like they’re the one. ( Ladies/ Gents really). So what are you doing wrong? Let’s get to it, these are all hypothetical but if this hypothetical shoe fits, remove it and burn it. You send missed signals You’re hot then you’re cold You’re “Yes” then you’re “No” You’re in then you’re out You’re up then you’re down  Katy Perry Signals have to match the message. Imagine if a zebra crossing line was coupled with a no stopping sign. That’s my…

  • Dating

    What men think about Make Up

    What men think about Make Up is really none of their business. Let’s face it, half the time women put make up to impress their peers or compete with that one girl who said her weave was better. Or something about “new me” after a break up. Well whatever the reasons are for make up, despite being none of our business, we men have thoughts on the subject. The Positive Make up is pretty. It accentuates certain features, the eyes pop, the contours create that dramatic feel. And the lashes! We don’t get those but they’re cute. Depending on the length. Make Up gives ladies this alter ego that comes…

  • Dating,  Mind of a boyfriend

    Clear signs the person you’re dating is worth your time

    So much negativity going around in relationships, this is to tell you it’s all bad. These are the signs that the person you’re dating is right for you and is worth your time. ( Of course they might be some differences ) You are comfortable with who you are Not itching to impress your potential  is essential, that way they can get to know the real you, with no filters. If you feel comfortable enough to let your guard down and be yourself,I don’t mean wearing crocs,  that is a great sign that your relationship is heading in on the right tracks. They keep their word Green Flag central .Doing what they say…

  • Dating,  Mind of a boyfriend

    Are you in an adoptionship?

    An adoptionship? What is this you speak of Human, you may ask. Let me explain ( I feel this phrase is going to stick). Some people feel entitled in relationships to the point of acting like they have no families or friends. A boyfriend/girlfriend isn’t a meal ticket. Fair? An adoptionship is a malicious process whereby someone’s child assumes the parenting of another grown human , usually a girlfriend (if it’s a boyfriend that’s a tender) , from that person’s biological or legal parent or parents without knowing. Related : Girlfriend allowance, “I know my worth”, “You can’t lobola me with that” How to Evaluate this You only give Like…